Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exercice (I bet you can figure this one out...) et les garçons (boys)

Exercise. A word I don't usually use too often. However, I've recently gotten into a little health kick (finally!) and have been using this word frequently. Results of said exercise? Pain! My abs hurt, my sides hurt, my shins hurt, my thighs hurt. Wow...rhyme much?

Anyway, I've been working out for three days straight and I feel great, despite the pain! There's something to be said about the empowerment that comes with working out. Although I will never run a 6 minute mile, I take pride when I accomplish a tough 30 minute walk/jog on the treadmill or an intense work out video. Yeah, there's pain. Yeah, I feel out of breath sometimes, but it's 100% worth it. Working out gives me an opportunity to think. Weird as this may seem, I do my best thinking when I'm at the gym. Which leads me to the next point of this posting...

Boys. Now, I know this point is something that people don't generally care about/want to hear about, but stick with me for just a minute.
Here's the thing; I've never really been happy being single. "Well duh," you might think, but hear me out. I've dated a few different guys in college, and they've never worked out. Different religious views, odd quirks, and lack of interest kept these relationships from developing. I'd break up/get broken up with and by the next day, I was ready for a new guy. "That guy" or "THE ONE" hasn't come into my life (yet). It wasn't until Monday night that my being single became something of happiness...

I went to a Life After College conference on Monday evening at my church and attended a seminar called "Singleness and Marriage." As a happy (and might I add pregnant) couple addressed the concerns of being single, I thought to myself,  "Great...what do you know about being single?? You got married right after college!" However, as usual, I was wrong. This couple said four words that have ENTIRELY changed my view on being single: delight in your singleness. The phrase really hit home for me. Delight in my singleness.

A 13-year-old Betsey once said, "When I'm done with college, I'm moving away and having an adventure!" Turns out...she was right. The only sole reason why I'm able to move to Dallas, TX in June (well, that's the plan anyway) is because I'm single. I'm not tied down, and I have no one holding me back. Being single has turned out to be wonderful! Now...God has a sense of humor, so who knows what He has planned, but for now, I can completely delight in my singleness!

That being said, LOOK OUT DALLAS! HERE I COME!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Dallas?! Really!? Wow! Good for you! I would never be that brave. Nor did I really ever have that married a few weeks before graduation, found out Jackson was on the way, and had to stick around so Eric could finish school. I'm not complaining, just saying that I never had the opportunities that you get to have! And that is so exciting for you!

Your day will come when The One walks into your life, and you fall madly in love, get married, and procreate like crazy (like us!) Until then, live it up! :)