Monday, January 18, 2010

J'aime l'université (I love college)...sometimes

One of the perks of being a college student? Sleeping in.

Today is Martin Luther King day, so as we remember that glorious speech "I Have a Dream," we college students take the day off of classes. At my university, semester classes haven't even started yet, so we enjoy one last day of freedom before the semester commences.

So, what am I doing on this last glorious day? Studying for a test. Yes, you read that right. I'm studying for a test that starts at approximately 7:45 a.m. tomorrow morning.
"But Betsey, you haven't even started classes yet!" Yep, I know. This is what being a nursing student means. On the first day of every semester, we nursing students get up at 7 a.m. to be at an exam that tests our knowledge of medication calculations. Each semester, the required score increases in order to pass. I have to get a 98% tomorrow, which essentially means I can miss one question. It's generally not too hard, but can be tricky if you get caught up on a problem. Therefore, studying calls. Better posts soon. Promise!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

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