Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blogs Worth Blogging About (Can you believe there's no French word for blog?? Haha)

One of the other reasons I started a blog was because I felt inspired. I have kept up with a few blogs here and there, and I'd like to share them with you! Maybe they'll inspire you to create your own blog!

For the fashion forward:
This is my absolute favorite blog! An 18-year-old girl by the name of Jane Aldridge, created this blog at the age of 16. She's from Dallas, TX (yay!) and she's lucky enough to have the money to purchase AWESOME shoes and clothing! Prada, Gucci, Mui name it, she's got the brand! Jane posts pictures of her various outfits, trips to New York and Paris, and the amazing E-Bay purchases she and her mom make on a WEEKLY basis!

For those shopping on a budget:
This blog was started by a friend of mine, Emily, about a year and a half ago. She's a very fashion-forward girl with an awesome job in marketing! She blogs about the latest trends, frivelous shopping, and her everyday life. She definitely has her own style, and I love it! Check it out!

For a fashionable college student:
Casey, a student at my University, has a blog that represents the average college student. Here you'll find GREAT deals (a $3.50 dress from Old Navy anyone??) and steals. She's had this blog since the age of 14, so it's definitely a keeper! Although she has the occasional splurge, most of the clothing is very reasonable and always fashionable!

For a blog updated daily:
This 30-year-old woman is on a mission! 365 days, $365 dollars. She's thrifting clothing for an entire year...something new everyday. She always posts pictures of the (mostly) hideous clothing before she cuts them up, sews 'em, and embellishes them! Her beautiful creations could sell in retail stores! The blog is updated daily since she's wearing something different everyday.

For your creative side:
This blog features TONS of do-it-yourself projects from party decor to jewelry! It's filled with pictures, templates, and tutorials to help you finish your projects. She mentions fun websites, great gift ideas, decorating techniques, and fashion on a budget--she calls it Chic for Cheap. Go here! You won't regret it!

For a good laugh:
This website is sure to make you laugh! Various people from around the United States send in pictures of their families. The catch? They have to awkward pictures. The photos are endless on this site and they update quite frequently. Trust me, you don't want to skip out on this one!

For Midwest high fashion:
This hip fashionista started her blog in 2008, and hasn't looked back! She's been featured in Lucky,, and to name a few! If you haven't figured it out, she's from Kansas, but she certainly doesn't skip out on the high fashion New York style! Most, if not all, of her clothing is thrifted, so it's a great blog to go to when you don't have a lot of cash but you still want to look fabulous!

For a daily dose of fashion:
Jessica is a fabulous blogger with a fabulous wardrobe...mostly constructed by her! She loves sewing and thrifting items of drab clothing and turning them into works of art! I am really inspired by her creations and her wardrobe! She has a basic fashion blog, which mostly consists of pictures of "what she wore today." It's fun to see her day-to-day outfits! Be sure to check it out!

So there you have it! All of these blogs inspired this blog. I may not be as fashionable as Kansas Couture or Jane Aldridge, but I still have a style all my own! Enjoy these AWESOME blogs and don't get me!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

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