Thursday, January 21, 2010

Accablé (Overwhelmed)

Today was my first day of classes. Being a nursing student also has its perks too. As an 8th semester (senior!) nursing student, I have classes ONE day a week! day a week. My one day is Thursdays.

While this may seem like an awesome set-up, unfortunately this semester is going to be CrAzY!! Besides doing the normal homework and reading, I also have clinical hours to fulfill. In my practicum, I must work 15 12 hour shifts with a nurse and in community health, I have to put in 90 hours. 270 hours total. SHOCKER! Hello! That's A LOT of time! I'm nervous as all get out, but I know that it will be a really good learning experience.

As of right now, I'm not sure where my practicum will be, but I do know that I will be at the Wellness Center on campus for community health. I'll be helping with smoking cessasion and stress reduction for women's health. It should be really interesting! On top of all that, I'm working with an awesome girl from my sorority who graduated in December! It'll be fun to work with her.

I'll have to keep you all updated on the whole practicum thing. (BTW...the practicum is our placement in the hospital. I've put down three top ICU choices, but I'm waiting to find out which one I get.)

Tonight I am enjoying a final night of freedom before things really heat up.
Teriyaki chicken + "The Wedding Date" + RUF + great roommates = FABULOUS!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

1 comment:

Meredith said...

OOOOH, I'm excited to hear where your practicum will be. I was in the Surgical/Burn unit when it was still just one unit. And you're lucky with your community health being at the wellness center; mine was in Jeff City...blah and bor-ring!