Friday, January 29, 2010

Equipe de nuit (Night Shift)

This is going to be a super short post because I leave in one hour to do my first night shift! I'm really excited to get started, but I'm nervous about tonight!

Wish me luck :) I'll let you know how it goes!

Au Revoir,

xoxo Betsey

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jolis Clous (Pretty Nails)!

When it comes to beauty, I'm definitely a girlie girl! I love playing with make up, curling my hair, but most of all, I love painting my nails.

Today I want to share the Spring 2010 nail polish trends with you! I have done my fair share of research and have come to the following conclusions:

As usual for Spring, pastels are back! However, they're coming back in new shades! Soft pink is no more! The newest pastel? Green! I'm loving the seafoam color, but I'm not sure I can rock it. Lilacs and light blues are also big for Spring 2010.

I love the softness of this color. It's a rich color without being dark or overwhelming.

Dark Blues and Purples
Against my mother's liking, I have started wearing a navy color on my own nails. It's almost black, but not quite. I've seen these colors in magazines, on the runway, and online. What used to be considered "goth" is now chic!


Back in 6th grade, I used to wear silver nail polish. It was "cool" back then, but then the trend died. I'm so happy to say that METALLICS ARE BACK! Bronze, silvers, golds, the list is endless! So, return to those middle school years, and go ahead, paint 'em gold!


All of these colors are fantastic! Although classics like red and pink will never die, I'm so excited to see the newest trends! I'm a fan of all of the colors, so I might have to change it up every once and a while.
Happy nail painting!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practicum Placement!!

Hi all!

I wanted to update you on the practicum placement for my LAST semester of nursing school. So...without further ado, my placement is:

Med-Neruro ICU at University Hospital!!!

I'm really excited about this opportunity, however, I'm nervous. I'm working weekend NIGHTS. Nights. AHHHHHHHH!!!! How am I going to survive?? I will never stay awake for that! I mean, I'll adjust to it eventually, but I feel like it's going to take me a while to get there.

Well, this is it. Wish me luck! I'm hoping to begin this weekend, but we'll see. Don't worry, as always, I'll keep you updated.

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

P.S. I passed my calculations exam with a 99%. Heck yes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Magasin d'économie (Thrift stores)

As I continue to look at fashion blogs, I have realized that most of these women are turning to thrift stores to purchase their fabulous fashions. I'm amazed at how some of these women can transform drab pieces of clothing into complete genius!

I want to learn how to create some gorgeous fashions too! I have a sewing machine, so what's stopping me? My inexperience? My lack of time? Low creative side? I don't know, but it's something that I think I'm going to start doing. Why spend $40 on a new top when I can take a $2 shirt and make it look like $100??

We'll see what probably won't happen, knowing my schedule and frankly my motivation, but maybe my weekends should be spent being creative, rather than sitting on my booty! Don't you all think it'd be a fun hobby?? I do!

New challenge for me? We'll see :)

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blogs Worth Blogging About (Can you believe there's no French word for blog?? Haha)

One of the other reasons I started a blog was because I felt inspired. I have kept up with a few blogs here and there, and I'd like to share them with you! Maybe they'll inspire you to create your own blog!

For the fashion forward:
This is my absolute favorite blog! An 18-year-old girl by the name of Jane Aldridge, created this blog at the age of 16. She's from Dallas, TX (yay!) and she's lucky enough to have the money to purchase AWESOME shoes and clothing! Prada, Gucci, Mui name it, she's got the brand! Jane posts pictures of her various outfits, trips to New York and Paris, and the amazing E-Bay purchases she and her mom make on a WEEKLY basis!

For those shopping on a budget:
This blog was started by a friend of mine, Emily, about a year and a half ago. She's a very fashion-forward girl with an awesome job in marketing! She blogs about the latest trends, frivelous shopping, and her everyday life. She definitely has her own style, and I love it! Check it out!

For a fashionable college student:
Casey, a student at my University, has a blog that represents the average college student. Here you'll find GREAT deals (a $3.50 dress from Old Navy anyone??) and steals. She's had this blog since the age of 14, so it's definitely a keeper! Although she has the occasional splurge, most of the clothing is very reasonable and always fashionable!

For a blog updated daily:
This 30-year-old woman is on a mission! 365 days, $365 dollars. She's thrifting clothing for an entire year...something new everyday. She always posts pictures of the (mostly) hideous clothing before she cuts them up, sews 'em, and embellishes them! Her beautiful creations could sell in retail stores! The blog is updated daily since she's wearing something different everyday.

For your creative side:
This blog features TONS of do-it-yourself projects from party decor to jewelry! It's filled with pictures, templates, and tutorials to help you finish your projects. She mentions fun websites, great gift ideas, decorating techniques, and fashion on a budget--she calls it Chic for Cheap. Go here! You won't regret it!

For a good laugh:
This website is sure to make you laugh! Various people from around the United States send in pictures of their families. The catch? They have to awkward pictures. The photos are endless on this site and they update quite frequently. Trust me, you don't want to skip out on this one!

For Midwest high fashion:
This hip fashionista started her blog in 2008, and hasn't looked back! She's been featured in Lucky,, and to name a few! If you haven't figured it out, she's from Kansas, but she certainly doesn't skip out on the high fashion New York style! Most, if not all, of her clothing is thrifted, so it's a great blog to go to when you don't have a lot of cash but you still want to look fabulous!

For a daily dose of fashion:
Jessica is a fabulous blogger with a fabulous wardrobe...mostly constructed by her! She loves sewing and thrifting items of drab clothing and turning them into works of art! I am really inspired by her creations and her wardrobe! She has a basic fashion blog, which mostly consists of pictures of "what she wore today." It's fun to see her day-to-day outfits! Be sure to check it out!

So there you have it! All of these blogs inspired this blog. I may not be as fashionable as Kansas Couture or Jane Aldridge, but I still have a style all my own! Enjoy these AWESOME blogs and don't get me!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Souhaiter la liste (Wish List)

I LOVE clothing! I LOVE shoes! I LOVE bags! Who doesn't??

Being a college student, when I shop, I don't spend a lot. Or as of late, I don't shop at all (GASP!). Since I'm moving to Dallas, I'm trying to be as conscious about money as I can be! I need to be prepared for expenses come June. But...I can't help myself! I LOVE to browse! I love to look at pretty things online. It's like my own shopping mall at the tips of my fingers.

Online browsing + gorgeous things = WISH LIST!

So, without further ado, here's my TOP 5 WISH LIST:

5. Plum Houndstooth Sleeveless Dress by Target
I absolutely LOVE the clean lines of this dress! It's both professional and playful! The shape of the dress is flawless and flatters every size.

4. Avington Slipper Chair
I really like the design of this chair! It's modern, yet classic. It would be uber cute in my Dallas apartment! I would love to decorate in brown and blue/green.

3. Betsey Johnson Kareas Ankle Boot
I really like the peeptoe/boot combination. A lot of designers are using the combo, and I actually really like the look. Betsey's shoe is oh-so-cute in a grayish color, so it would go with a lot! It also comes in black, for those traditionalists.

2. Tiffany Elsa Peretti Open Heart Pendant
Who doesn't want a little turqouise box?? I know I do! And I want this item to come in it! What I love so much about this pendant is that it contains an aquamarine stone, my birthstone! When I saw it on the Tiffany website, I just know it wants me to buy it someday.

1. And number one wish!
Prada Forest Calfskin studded medium tote
I am IN LOVE with this bag!!! I will probably never be able to afford it, but I love the detailing on this gorgeous handbag. The studs are perfect for the season and hand-applied. SO beautiful!

That's all for now. If I had room, I could post about 20 different pictures of things I want. I did get one thing that's been on my wish list for a long time, though. My sister recently got me a Coach wristlet! It's from the new collection; black C's with a little silver patch displaying the Coach name. I've gotten a ton of compliments on it, so thanks Brooke!

My love for labels will never die, despite not ever being able to afford a $2,000 handbag or $600 pair of shoes. For now, I will keep on wishing :)

Au Revoir,

xoxo Betsey

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Accablé (Overwhelmed)

Today was my first day of classes. Being a nursing student also has its perks too. As an 8th semester (senior!) nursing student, I have classes ONE day a week! day a week. My one day is Thursdays.

While this may seem like an awesome set-up, unfortunately this semester is going to be CrAzY!! Besides doing the normal homework and reading, I also have clinical hours to fulfill. In my practicum, I must work 15 12 hour shifts with a nurse and in community health, I have to put in 90 hours. 270 hours total. SHOCKER! Hello! That's A LOT of time! I'm nervous as all get out, but I know that it will be a really good learning experience.

As of right now, I'm not sure where my practicum will be, but I do know that I will be at the Wellness Center on campus for community health. I'll be helping with smoking cessasion and stress reduction for women's health. It should be really interesting! On top of all that, I'm working with an awesome girl from my sorority who graduated in December! It'll be fun to work with her.

I'll have to keep you all updated on the whole practicum thing. (BTW...the practicum is our placement in the hospital. I've put down three top ICU choices, but I'm waiting to find out which one I get.)

Tonight I am enjoying a final night of freedom before things really heat up.
Teriyaki chicken + "The Wedding Date" + RUF + great roommates = FABULOUS!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exercice (I bet you can figure this one out...) et les garçons (boys)

Exercise. A word I don't usually use too often. However, I've recently gotten into a little health kick (finally!) and have been using this word frequently. Results of said exercise? Pain! My abs hurt, my sides hurt, my shins hurt, my thighs hurt. Wow...rhyme much?

Anyway, I've been working out for three days straight and I feel great, despite the pain! There's something to be said about the empowerment that comes with working out. Although I will never run a 6 minute mile, I take pride when I accomplish a tough 30 minute walk/jog on the treadmill or an intense work out video. Yeah, there's pain. Yeah, I feel out of breath sometimes, but it's 100% worth it. Working out gives me an opportunity to think. Weird as this may seem, I do my best thinking when I'm at the gym. Which leads me to the next point of this posting...

Boys. Now, I know this point is something that people don't generally care about/want to hear about, but stick with me for just a minute.
Here's the thing; I've never really been happy being single. "Well duh," you might think, but hear me out. I've dated a few different guys in college, and they've never worked out. Different religious views, odd quirks, and lack of interest kept these relationships from developing. I'd break up/get broken up with and by the next day, I was ready for a new guy. "That guy" or "THE ONE" hasn't come into my life (yet). It wasn't until Monday night that my being single became something of happiness...

I went to a Life After College conference on Monday evening at my church and attended a seminar called "Singleness and Marriage." As a happy (and might I add pregnant) couple addressed the concerns of being single, I thought to myself,  "Great...what do you know about being single?? You got married right after college!" However, as usual, I was wrong. This couple said four words that have ENTIRELY changed my view on being single: delight in your singleness. The phrase really hit home for me. Delight in my singleness.

A 13-year-old Betsey once said, "When I'm done with college, I'm moving away and having an adventure!" Turns out...she was right. The only sole reason why I'm able to move to Dallas, TX in June (well, that's the plan anyway) is because I'm single. I'm not tied down, and I have no one holding me back. Being single has turned out to be wonderful! Now...God has a sense of humor, so who knows what He has planned, but for now, I can completely delight in my singleness!

That being said, LOOK OUT DALLAS! HERE I COME!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Monday, January 18, 2010

J'aime l'université (I love college)...sometimes

One of the perks of being a college student? Sleeping in.

Today is Martin Luther King day, so as we remember that glorious speech "I Have a Dream," we college students take the day off of classes. At my university, semester classes haven't even started yet, so we enjoy one last day of freedom before the semester commences.

So, what am I doing on this last glorious day? Studying for a test. Yes, you read that right. I'm studying for a test that starts at approximately 7:45 a.m. tomorrow morning.
"But Betsey, you haven't even started classes yet!" Yep, I know. This is what being a nursing student means. On the first day of every semester, we nursing students get up at 7 a.m. to be at an exam that tests our knowledge of medication calculations. Each semester, the required score increases in order to pass. I have to get a 98% tomorrow, which essentially means I can miss one question. It's generally not too hard, but can be tricky if you get caught up on a problem. Therefore, studying calls. Better posts soon. Promise!

Au Revoir for now,

xoxo Betsey

Ceci est la vie! (This is the life!)

Let's start out with an introduction, shall we?

Name: Betsey
Age: 21
Occupation: Nursing Student by day, living la vie fabuleuse (the fabulous life) by night!
Reason for blogging: It's simple really. I wanted to vent, I wanted to share, I wanted to talk. Here's the place to do it.
Hobbies: Shopping (on a college kid's budget mind you!), singing, going out dancing, studying (oh, the life of a student), glamming it up on the weekends, playing board games, working out (really it's a returning favorite), and hanging out with friends.
Favorite outfit to wear: This is tough. By day, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl, but at night, I'm dress and heels all the way! Fave outfit consists of: black skinny jeans by Source of Wisdom, blue glam tee by Style & Co., silver leather jacket also by Style & Co., and black rocker fringe shoes by Delicious. Pictures to come.

This blog will feature the ins and outs of my everyday life. Sound boring? To some, it might be, but I promise NOT to be bland and NOT to hold back. I give you my word. I'll post pictures, I'll let you in on my life secrets, you'll meet family and friends and get a little insight into my life :)

But for's bedtime. Interesting night tonight. More on that tomorrow!

Au Revoir,

xoxo Betsey