Wednesday, February 10, 2010

***Neige (Snow)***

With February comes love, and what I love is SNOW!


See, I love when I can sit inside my house, by the fire with a book, and watch as the world outside gets covered with a blanket of fresh snow. There's something peaceful about snow. Maybe it's the realization that each flake is uniquely designed, the beauty of the trees covered with that white powder, or the graceful dance as the flakes fall to the ground. There are a number of things that make snow so delightful!

However...there are even more things that make it very UNdelightful (is that even a word??). Take for example: the entrance to my apartment complex is a hill (smart design, huh?), so I watched as a four car pile-up took place. Later I heard it ended up being a SIX car pile-up. YIKES!
Another reason: it's cold (DUH). However, when you're trying to get to a friend's apartment (in the complex next door mind you), it's not a fun adventure in tennis shoes! Needless to say, I fell once, almost twice, on the ice on the way home.
One more reason: despite inches of ice and snow, my university NEVER calls off school! It's not like I had class today anyway, but it would be nice to have a snow day for my friends. I'm interested to know...did you go to school today??

In a time like this, I can dream of owning only one thing: Michael Kor's boots. They're GORGEOUS and look oh-so-warm with the shearling on the sides and inside! They're also high enough to cover my entire lower leg, which would be nice in this "feels like -8 degrees" weather.
With the hefty price of $298.00, I think I'll stick with my Fuggs (fake Uggs for those who don't understand the slang). Yes, I admit to wearing the Fuggs, which I think are the UGLIEST shoes ever made, but hey, we gotta stay warm somehow, right?? Wish I didn't have to wear 'em, but they're in my price range. For now, I'll just have to keep dreaming of trudging through the snow in Michael Kors. *Sigh*

Au Revoir,

xoxo Betsey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since when do you read by a fire? I don't think I've ever seen you do that...

Maybe you're going to start a new trend :)