Monday, February 1, 2010

Malade :( (Sick)

Three weeks into the semester and I'm sick. Yeah...not cool. It all started Friday night:

I went into "work" that night (aka went to do a 12 hour shift for my paycheck for this work!) feeling great! I felt well-rested, ready to get started, but just a little nervous for the night shift. I got to the MedNeuroSurgical ICU, met my preceptor, and we got down to business. Not 15 minutes into work, and I started feeling a tickle in my throat. Where else would we have been except a patient's room, right? So, mid-choking, I excuse myself from the room and begin hacking up a lung in the hallway. Great start, huh? As I'm standing there coughing into my sleeve, my preceptor takes me to the clean utility room and shows me where I can find water. As soon as the tickle went away, I said to him,

"Man...I don't know where this is coming from! I feel fine, but sometimes I just get these tickles that won't go away. I always get them at the most inconvenient time! I get them during tests sometimes."

And he replies,

"Oh, well I guess sometimes when you're anxious you can get those."

So of course I explain to him that I'm not anxious, I'm excited for this experience! We go back to work.

Ten minutes later...there I am hacking up a lung again! Come on throat! Cut me a break! I actually started praying that God would spare me the coughing...sad, but true.

Luckily I made it through the shift successfully. I woke up Sunday morning feeling stuffy and having coughed all night. I think the lack of sleep awoke something in my system, because honestly, I felt fine on Friday! I did! I wouldn't have gone in if I didn't. Which is what happened Sunday night. I called in sick. So now I'm just recovering from a small cold. No fevers, no chills, no aches. Just cough and runny nose. Nothin' a little Dayquil and Nyquil "Cough" won't fix! I'll be back before I know it.

Here's to feelin' better and vitamin C!

Au Revoir,

xoxo Betsey

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I know that irritating feeling...My nose always itches as soon as I put on gloves!

Feel better!